Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Extra Credit - April

Hey gang.  Here is the extra credit for the month of April.  As usual, answers must be turned in on a 3x5 notecard with your name on it.  Each question is worth 2 extra credit points for a possible grand total of ten points.  These points will be added to your next test grade.  The questions are listed below:

1 - The Patan Royal Palace, built in the 17th century, can be found in a valley at the foot of the Himalayas in what country?

2 - A historic wharf, originally built in the 12th century, is at the center of which city?  It's Norway's second-largest.

3 - Rotorua, a city famous for its geothermal pools and Maori culture, attracts, tourists to what country?

4 - The countries of Croatia, Macedonia, and Montenegro are all located on what peninsula?

5 - Jeddah is the port for the holy city of Mecca and is located on what body of water?


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