Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Origami Haiku!!!!

The origami was really hard to do in class. Maybe someone will try to do some figures at home. Anyway, here are a few sample Origami haiku's from your classmates:

Folding small paper,
It is easier than it seems,
Making figurines.

Folding paper cranes,
folding boxes and other stuff,
this doesn't make sense.

I just can't fold it
It's way to hard to fold it.
Can I have some help?

Origami is hard.
I hate folding things into shapes.
Why do we have to?

The red crane is done,
It was hard as crap to do,
Please never again.

Folding hard paper,
I am horrible at it,
So is Cody.

I hate it so much,
I wish it wasn't invented,
I blame it on Japan.

Japanese style,
Origami is paper,
Except it's folded.

Origami crane
It was very hard, too bad
It's origami.

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