Monday, April 6, 2009

Star Vocab - Instructions

Our Star Vocab Worksheet is a new way of trying to help us with the vocabulary of this chapter. Here is how I want you to complete it:

1 - Write the definition in the top left block for each term. Be sure to write small enough to fit it in the space provided.

2 - Put the page number where you would find this term in the space for extra information. Also put the LEQ Concept that this term would fit under in the space for extra information.

3 - Shade each star a different color - make sure that you can still see the term!!

4 - Leave the bottom left block and top right block empty for now.


Anonymous said...

hey mr. lawhead, i was absent on monday, tuesday, and wednesday of last week. when i picked up papers, i didnt see the vocab thingy. unless you just started it this week and nobody has it yet, i dont have it. should i have it yet, or not?

matthewlawhead said...

Nope. You should get it in class when we are at the computer lab. If not, see me in the morning.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr Lawhead...what do we need Moodlee for??

Anonymous said...

yea mrs heller said we are doing
moodle but then y did u sign us up

Anonymous said...

o u cant get a better smile than that u look evil no offense but yea so by