Just a few reminders gang during the holiday break...
1 - If you did not hand in any part of the Western Europe Vacation Project, please finish and either email or bring in when we get back.
2 - Please study your 50 States Test as the window for retesting will be closing shortly after we return.
3 - If you have any questions, please email me at matthew_lawhead@southwesternsd.org
Have a great holiday break.
Mr. Lawhead
The mission of the EHMIS Social Studies Department is to cultivate the abilities of young people to make informed and reasoned decisions for the public good as citizens of a culturally diverse and democratic society in an interdependent world. In our 7th grade World Geography class, we will complete a variety of activities site as well as just learn a few things about other countries and cultures. Post a comment and I will answer you ASAP.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Friday, December 16, 2011
Vacation Projects
Hey gang! If you didn't finish and hand in your vacation projects for Western Europe, please make sure they get to me by this Thursday. You must hand in:
- Travel Map
- Excel Sheet
- Bibliography
- Eight Elements Graphic Oraganizer
- PowerPoint (six slides per page)
You must also complete all the demonstration portions of the rubric. Please make sure you get this to me by Thursday! Thanks for all your hard work.
Mr. Lawhead
- Travel Map
- Excel Sheet
- Bibliography
- Eight Elements Graphic Oraganizer
- PowerPoint (six slides per page)
You must also complete all the demonstration portions of the rubric. Please make sure you get this to me by Thursday! Thanks for all your hard work.
Mr. Lawhead
Vacation Project,
Western Europe
Friday, December 9, 2011
Basic Facts?
Some of you have struggled a little early with the "Basic Facts" section in your Demonstrations Rubric. Here is a few examples of what we are looking for:
- HDI Rank
- Population
- Capital city
- Style of government
- Major Religion
- Language spoken
- Large/Major/Well-known cities
- Literacy Rates
If you can think of other basic facts about countries, please feel free to list them. Remember, you can retake these parts of the Demonstrations Rubric whenever you would like. Any questions, please ask.
Mr. Lawhead
- HDI Rank
- Population
- Capital city
- Style of government
- Major Religion
- Language spoken
- Large/Major/Well-known cities
- Literacy Rates
If you can think of other basic facts about countries, please feel free to list them. Remember, you can retake these parts of the Demonstrations Rubric whenever you would like. Any questions, please ask.
Mr. Lawhead
Vacation Project,
Western Europe
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Currency Converters
Here are two pretty reliable sites for our currency conversion that we are doing in our project. Just click on either link below.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Vacation Rubric
Hey gang. Please refer to this worksheet on a daily basis to make sure that you are doing what you need to do on this project. It is a two page rubric with some reflection questions that we will complete together on the last day of the project. Any questions, please come and see me.
Western Europe Vacation Rubric
Western Europe Vacation Rubric
Vacation Project,
Western Europe
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Hey gang. Instead of starting South America next, we will be venturing on to Western Europe. Sorry for the quick change of plans, but our schedule prevented us from having enough time to thoroughly covering the unit.
Any questions, let me know.
Any questions, let me know.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Class News for Week of November 21
Hey gang. Good start to this month and I am confident that you did fairly well on your Africa Examination. This week will be a short introduction to our next unit - South America. Since we only have two days this week to work, we won't be getting too in-depth with this unit. Be sure to be ready for a 50 States Test too!!
50 States,
class news,
South America
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Africa Jeopardy Review
Hey gang. For those of you who would like to use the Jeopardy style game to review for tomorrow's examination, click on the link below and have a good time.
Please don't forget to use your study guide and to review your LEQ questions as well. Good luck!
Mr. Lawhead
Please don't forget to use your study guide and to review your LEQ questions as well. Good luck!
Mr. Lawhead
Monday, November 14, 2011
Africa Intro PPT
Because some of us did not do a good job of taking notes earlier in the unit......here ya go!
Africa Intro Info
Africa Intro Info
Friday, November 11, 2011
Africa - Rough Study Guide
Here is a study guide for Africa. This is a rough draft....we will have the final draft early next week. Begin studying for your test NOW!!!
AFRICA - Rough Study Guide
AFRICA - Rough Study Guide
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Genocide PPT
Here is the PPT on genocide that we haven't gotten time to view in class. Review this as we work through our movie, Hotel Rwanda. Warning: Some images are graphic in nature.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Desertifcation Webquest
Here is a copy of the desertification webquest. You can view the page in "full screen" mode or you can also download a copy. Use the buttons at the bottom of the post.
Desertification WebQuest
Desertification WebQuest
Monday, November 7, 2011
Students signed up to retake the Canada test on Wednesday should report to my room (ROOM 215) after school and be prepared to be picked up promptly at 4:20.
You must have a completed study guide in order to retake the exam.
You must have a completed study guide in order to retake the exam.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Shake It Off!!!
By popular demand....our runaway winner of the Free Market Economy Project. Great job ladies!
Free Market Economy Project,
Thursday, November 3, 2011
TEAM 4 and Period 4 Winners
Here are our Free Market Economy Project CHAMPIONS in 4th Period AND for the Team!!! Outstanding work and a blowout victory.
Free Market Economy Project,
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Canada Retests
This post is for anyone who is taking a retest for Canada.
You MUST have a signed permission slip to retake the test at the Testing Center. Retest dates are:
Wednesday, November 9
Wedensday, November 16
Thursday, November 17
Here is an online Jeopardy Review Game if you need some extra preparation!
You MUST have a signed permission slip to retake the test at the Testing Center. Retest dates are:
Wednesday, November 9
Wedensday, November 16
Thursday, November 17
Here is an online Jeopardy Review Game if you need some extra preparation!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Class News for Week of October 31st
Hey gang. Hope that Halloween was great and that you rocked your costume. This week we will taping and voting on our Free Market Projects. Which companies will make it and which companies will fail!
Following our voting, we will begin work on our next unit - AFRICA!
Thanks for all the hard work you did on your Free Market projects.
Mr. Lawhead
Following our voting, we will begin work on our next unit - AFRICA!
Thanks for all the hard work you did on your Free Market projects.
Mr. Lawhead
Free Market Economy Project,
Friday, October 28, 2011
Costume Day - Part 1
Miss Noble rocking the Woman Power!! Definitely a Top 10 costume today...
Love it, Love it, Love it! Nice job TH. P.S. How do you get past all those levels??? This game is frustrating.
Love it, Love it, Love it! Nice job TH. P.S. How do you get past all those levels??? This game is frustrating.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Canada Economy PPT
Here is the PPT that we looked at various slides of on Wednesday. Some slides may be helpful in answering our LEQ questions for economy.
Canada Economy
Canada Economy
Monday, October 24, 2011
Free Market Economy Project
What work are you doing outside of class? Are you finding other companies like yours that you can compare to your business? Are you researching the area that you are planning on having your headquarters? Are you looking up prices for your product?
If not....start doing work!
If not....start doing work!
Free Market Economy Project,
Sunday, October 23, 2011
October Student of the Month
The Student of the Month for October is Abby G. She is a straight A student who is a sandwich artist and loves the book "The Tale of Despereaux." In addition, she loves the movie "National Treasure" and hopes to be a CSI Investigator when she grows up. Way to go Scab!
Friday, October 21, 2011
A weekend message from Mr. Lawhead and Sophie
Please make sure that you folks use the study guide this weekend and begin preparing for the examination on Wednesday. Remember that our class wiki and the online map are both located down by the "links" section to help you review as well. Any questions, let me know.
Mr. Lawhead and Sophie
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
Canada Learning Map
Forget an LEQ....can't remember what our concept was for the day...look below and here is the learning map.
Chapter 5 Learning Map - CANADA
Chapter 5 Learning Map - CANADA
Canada Map Lists
Here is the list of places you must have on your two maps for Canada.
Canada Map - Physical and Political Labels
Canada Map - Physical and Political Labels
Wikiiiiiiiiiiii PART DEUX
Welcome to part two of our wiki! We will be visiting our wiki for another nine (9) vocabulary terms though this time it is for Canada. Read the directions carefully and get to work. Let me know what you do for each term.
Here is the link:
Here is the link:
Thursday, October 13, 2011
So here is the deal...Mr. Sgrignoli and I have decided NOT to test on our unit for Mexico because we didn't like the direction of the unit and the big break we had during the long weekend. You will be expected to know the material as it will pop up in future tests.
On to Canada!
Any questions, please let me know.
On to Canada!
Any questions, please let me know.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Class News for the Week of October 10th
Hey gang! Welcome back after a long break. It was an up and down break to say the least with all the bad news from the weekend, but our Mustang family is strong and always bounces back.
We have a short week and will be winding down Mexico this week. We will not test on the unit and instead will begin Canada next week. Mr. Sgrignoli and I were not happy with where our unit was heading and we have decided to toss it in the garbage can. We will use information from the unit, but again, will not test on it.
Hang in there and let's have a good week. Any questions, let me know.
We have a short week and will be winding down Mexico this week. We will not test on the unit and instead will begin Canada next week. Mr. Sgrignoli and I were not happy with where our unit was heading and we have decided to toss it in the garbage can. We will use information from the unit, but again, will not test on it.
Hang in there and let's have a good week. Any questions, let me know.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Our Mexico vocabulary....by YOU! See if you agree with all the sentences and images that you have put onto our wiki. Make any changes that you need to...to YOUR information.
Our Mexico vocabulary....by YOU! See if you agree with all the sentences and images that you have put onto our wiki. Make any changes that you need to...to YOUR information.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
8th Period - Wednesday
Hey gang. Sorry I can't make it today - only one more time this year because of cross country. Below are the directions for what I'd like you to do today. I know you might not get finished ... that is okay. Whatever you do finish, PLEASE SEND TO ME IN AN EMAIL AS AN ATTACHMENT. Thanks.
Mexico Vocabulary Wiki
Hey gang. Today's activities will take place on our vocabulary wiiki page. The page is a work in progress so be patient. Here is the link:
Monday, October 3, 2011
Notebook Cleanup
Here are the papers that you need to keep in your notebook. All bolded and highlighted items need to stay in your notebook. If you have a question, please stop by my room in the morning or during COLT.
1. WG Course Outline2. Classroom Guidelines and Behavior
3. Culture Learning Map
4. The Sacred Rac
5. Eight Elements Graphic Organizer (U.S. Example)
6. Culture Change Squares
7. Culture Wheel
8. My Culture Project (should be in your Test Folder)
9. HDI List 2007-2008
10. Culture Walk Packet
11. Culture and You worksheet
12. Japan and Koreas Learning Map
13. Japan and Koreas KWL - Human Bingo
14. Labeling Maps Notes
15. Japan and Koreas Map
16. Coloring Schemes
17. Chapter 24 Vocabulary
18. Japan - Cornell Notes
19. Japan and Koreas Eight Elements Graphic Organizer
20. Comparing Statistics
21. Korea - Cornell Notes
22. Compare/Contrast - North and South Korea
23. Political Cartoon Worksheet
24. Japan and Korea RAFT (should have handed in today)
25. Japan and Korea Study Guide
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Review Game - WINNING!!!
Congratulations to our Period 2 Winners! DR and SD rocked the house and finished in record time. This test should be a breeze for them!
Our Period 4 winners wanted to "pose" for the camera. They are not good posers, but they sure can finish a few quickly and accurately. Good luck tomorrow!
UPSET ALERT!!! Our Period 8 winners stole the show with their upset win. Congrats to BH and AM on their big win.
Our Period 4 winners wanted to "pose" for the camera. They are not good posers, but they sure can finish a few quickly and accurately. Good luck tomorrow!
UPSET ALERT!!! Our Period 8 winners stole the show with their upset win. Congrats to BH and AM on their big win.
Japan and Koreas,
student pictures
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Lunch Review Session
Mr. Sgrignoli will be hosting a short review session in his classroom tomorrow during 7th grade lunch. Anyone interested in attending should see me to have their agenda book signed. I will be there as well to help out anyone who is interested in preparing for this exam.
Mr. Lawhead
Mr. Lawhead
Political Cartoons PPT
Here is the PPT that we watched as we tried to break down and understand the political cartoons about North Korea. Let me know if you have any questions.
Political Cartoons 101
Political Cartoons 101
Monday, September 26, 2011
North and South Korea PPT
Here is our PPT on North and South Korea. Use it for the Compare and Contrast worksheet and for your studying prior to the unit test.
North and South Korea
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Class News for the week of September 26th
Hey gang!
Welcome to another week of World Geography. This week we will take a look at North and South Korea and the major differences in culture between the two. Our hope is to review and test by Thursday. Be prepared to start and finish another RAFT writing assignment very similar to the one we did for 9-11. If you have any questions, please let me know.
Mr. Lawhead
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Japan People and Culture
Here is the last PPT that we viewed on the people and culture of Japan. Use it to fill in any blank spaces on our eight elements graphic organizer.
Japan’s People and Culture
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Japan and Koreas Learning Map
Here is our learning map for this unit. Please review the LEQs whenever you get a chance.
Japan and Koreas Learning Map
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Monday, September 19, 2011
Class News for the Week of September 19th
Hey gang!
This week we will continue our study of Japan and the Koreas. Be prepared to start taking some notes and reviewing them each night. We will also be doing another RAFT activity and something called error analysis. We will conclude this unit with a major exam sometime towards the end of the week or early next week. Stay posted!
Mr. Lawhead
Friday, September 16, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
I love my khaki pants....every year I do. I'm very particular about them. And I wear them religiously each week. As of 9-13-11, we are up to 6 days of khakis so far - many more to come!
Monday, September 12, 2011
Class News for the week of September 12th
This week we will take a few days to talk about the events of 9-11. After that, we are going to start our unit on Japan and the Koreas. I hope to have your Culture Projects graded by Wednesday so that we can discuss how you are going to apply that unit to every other unit. Should be a fun unit - get ready to crank it up!
Friday, September 9, 2011
Video of the Week - September 9th
Hope you enjoy this short one...just makes me chuckle. Do you have a dramatic turn and look into the camera? Enjoy the weekend.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
When I'm 40 ...
Here is our list of things that will be obsolete when you turn 40....according to you!
- Current TV programs (i.e. Spongebob)
- Analog clocks (the clocks with hands)
- DVDs
- PS3, Xbox, Wii
- Ipods, Ipads
- Movie Theatre
- Radio
- Fast food
- 2011 Style of music (sorry Justin Beiber fans)
- Grocery stores
- Laptops
- Cell Phone styles (all touch pad style)
- Cars (will be much more eco-friendly)
- CD Players
- Internet sites (what is facebook??)
- Board Games
- School
- Architechture
- Household appliances
So, before you make fun of your parents or ME for falling off the "Popular Culture Train" and being uncool, remember, you will be an old person too someday!
- Current TV programs (i.e. Spongebob)
- Analog clocks (the clocks with hands)
- DVDs
- PS3, Xbox, Wii
- Ipods, Ipads
- Movie Theatre
- Radio
- Fast food
- 2011 Style of music (sorry Justin Beiber fans)
- Grocery stores
- Laptops
- Cell Phone styles (all touch pad style)
- Cars (will be much more eco-friendly)
- CD Players
- Internet sites (what is facebook??)
- Board Games
- School
- Architechture
- Household appliances
So, before you make fun of your parents or ME for falling off the "Popular Culture Train" and being uncool, remember, you will be an old person too someday!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Welcome Back!!
Hey gang! Welcome back to another exciting school year. I'm looking forward to another great year of learning about different cultures from around the world. Please use this site as a resource and your year will go much more smoothly!
Best of luck and here is to a fantastic year!
Mr. Lawhead
Best of luck and here is to a fantastic year!
Mr. Lawhead
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Join the Fight!
Hey gang! Hope that summer is moving along well. Just wanted to let you know that I am doing a 100 mile ride in August to help fight cancer. The website is below. If you'd like to donate - GREAT! If not, that is alright too. Thanks for visiting the site.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Enjoy the summer...
Hey gang. Thanks for all the hard work this year. Make sure that you use the summer to do a little map review (to the left), a lot of swimming, and to have some fun. Stop by next year to say hello.
Mr. Lawhead
Mr. Lawhead
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Create Your Own Island Section Winners
Thursday, June 2, 2011
The Haka!!!
Here is the traditional Haka dance that the rugby team from New Zealand performs before most of their games. We saw this in the movie "Invictus".
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Create Your Own Island Winners!!!
The winners and runners-up for our Create Your Own Island project are in!! The winners by section are below and pictures will follow.
Period 2
Runner-Up: SPATIN
Period 4
Period 8
Runner-Up: EYELAND
Period 2
Runner-Up: SPATIN
Period 4
Period 8
Runner-Up: EYELAND
Friday, May 27, 2011
Convoy of Hope
The group that we donated to in response to the tornado in Joplin, Missouri is called Convoy of Hope. Click on the word to see their website.
We donated $150...that is awesome! Thanks everyone.
We donated $150...that is awesome! Thanks everyone.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Doing a Kind Deed
One of the main ideas we talk about is living in an interdependent world - where we depend on everyone and places around us. In that idea, I'd like to send a bit of money to the victims of the deadly tornado that tore through Joplin, Missouri the other day. THIS IS NOT A REQUIREMENT. Still, I think if we all brought in one or two dollars, that it would be a nice gesture. We will figure out the exact organization in class and make our contribution by Thursday.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Pictures from Mrs. Whelan
Hey gang. A few days ago, Mrs. Whelan took these class pictures. She sent them to me and I thought that you might like seeing them on our site. Hope you enjoy.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Here is the final extra credit for the school year. Each question is worth two extra credit points for a POSSIBLE grand total of ten extra credit points. Please put your answers on a 3x5 notecard with your name on it. Here are the questions...
1 - The Green Mountains are to Vermont as the Brooks Range is to what?
2 - Granite Peak is to Montana as Guadalupe Peak is to what?
3 - The Battle of Antietam is to Maryland as the Battle of Shiloh is to what?
4 - Green Bay is to Lake Michigan as Saginaw Bay is to what?
5 - Puget Sound is to Washington as Suwannee Sound is to what?
Good Luck. Answers are due by next Friday.
1 - The Green Mountains are to Vermont as the Brooks Range is to what?
2 - Granite Peak is to Montana as Guadalupe Peak is to what?
3 - The Battle of Antietam is to Maryland as the Battle of Shiloh is to what?
4 - Green Bay is to Lake Michigan as Saginaw Bay is to what?
5 - Puget Sound is to Washington as Suwannee Sound is to what?
Good Luck. Answers are due by next Friday.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Create Your Own Island....RANDOM THOUGHTS
A few random thoughts about the projects as we enter our second day of work...
1 - REVISE, REVISE, REVISE. You will have to go back and make sure everything is as close to perfect as possible. That requires you to go back and revise your initial brainstorming more than once.
2 - CONNECT YOUR REQUIRED PIECES OF WORK - The history of your island must be tied into the flag. The flag must be tied into the description of your island. The style of government should be tied to your history. Again, please make sure that everything is tied together. This means you must talk to your group members and discuss the project.
3 - MAPS...I GOT EM - I have the final copies for your political and physical maps. I will also provide you with a world map.
Any questions, please stop by and see me.
Mr. Lawhead
1 - REVISE, REVISE, REVISE. You will have to go back and make sure everything is as close to perfect as possible. That requires you to go back and revise your initial brainstorming more than once.
2 - CONNECT YOUR REQUIRED PIECES OF WORK - The history of your island must be tied into the flag. The flag must be tied into the description of your island. The style of government should be tied to your history. Again, please make sure that everything is tied together. This means you must talk to your group members and discuss the project.
3 - MAPS...I GOT EM - I have the final copies for your political and physical maps. I will also provide you with a world map.
Any questions, please stop by and see me.
Mr. Lawhead
Monday, May 16, 2011
Shoes of the Week.
Saw these bad boys during the Pledge of Allegiance today...they are officially the SHOES OF THE WEEK!
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Sites to help out
This is a list of sites that are GREAT for researching in any geography or social studies course. You will need to sign into your Google Apps from school in order to use the site.
Remember, you pick the country.
This is a list of sites that are GREAT for researching in any geography or social studies course. You will need to sign into your Google Apps from school in order to use the site.
Remember, you pick the country.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Class News for the Week of May 9th
Hey gang,
We are into the final stretch. This week we will work on Australia a bit and move into our final unit by the end of the week. You've done a great job up to this point...let's keep it that way.
See you Monday.
We are into the final stretch. This week we will work on Australia a bit and move into our final unit by the end of the week. You've done a great job up to this point...let's keep it that way.
See you Monday.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Extra Credit - April
Hey gang. Here is the extra credit for the month of April. As usual, answers must be turned in on a 3x5 notecard with your name on it. Each question is worth 2 extra credit points for a possible grand total of ten points. These points will be added to your next test grade. The questions are listed below:
1 - The Patan Royal Palace, built in the 17th century, can be found in a valley at the foot of the Himalayas in what country?
2 - A historic wharf, originally built in the 12th century, is at the center of which city? It's Norway's second-largest.
3 - Rotorua, a city famous for its geothermal pools and Maori culture, attracts, tourists to what country?
4 - The countries of Croatia, Macedonia, and Montenegro are all located on what peninsula?
5 - Jeddah is the port for the holy city of Mecca and is located on what body of water?
1 - The Patan Royal Palace, built in the 17th century, can be found in a valley at the foot of the Himalayas in what country?
2 - A historic wharf, originally built in the 12th century, is at the center of which city? It's Norway's second-largest.
3 - Rotorua, a city famous for its geothermal pools and Maori culture, attracts, tourists to what country?
4 - The countries of Croatia, Macedonia, and Montenegro are all located on what peninsula?
5 - Jeddah is the port for the holy city of Mecca and is located on what body of water?
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
Class News for the Week of April 25th
Welcome back from nice little break. Only a few weeks left! Time to turn up the intensity and bring this year home with a little hard work.
This week we will be focusing on South America. Tuesday will spent on Brazil and later in the week we will discuss the drug problem in this region and the Galapagos Islands. Be ready for a map quiz and chapter test toward the end of the week. Finally, look for some extra credit sometime midweek.
Any questions, let me know.
This week we will be focusing on South America. Tuesday will spent on Brazil and later in the week we will discuss the drug problem in this region and the Galapagos Islands. Be ready for a map quiz and chapter test toward the end of the week. Finally, look for some extra credit sometime midweek.
Any questions, let me know.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Class News for the Week of April 18th
Hey gang! Not a lot of time left in the school year, but we will continue to study different cultures and regions around the world. Next up - South America! This is a unit that will take about 8-10 days and will end with a unit examination. Another thing you should be prepared for is our April 50 States Test that will take place this week.
Buckle Up!
Buckle Up!
Friday, April 8, 2011
Battleball Champions 2011
Congratulations to our 2011 Battleball Champions! TEAM 4 REPRESENTS!!!!! Another great day of celebrating reading. Thanks to Mrs. Heller and Mrs. Klansek for all their work in setting this up.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Canada Learning Map
Canada Learning Map
View more documents from Matthew Lawhead.
Here is our learning map for the chapter on Canada. Be sure that you can answer each of the LEQs and are able to discuss each vocab term in detail.
Here is our learning map for the chapter on Canada. Be sure that you can answer each of the LEQs and are able to discuss each vocab term in detail.
Canada Notes
Canada Notes
View more documents from Matthew Lawhead.
Here are the class notes for Canada. I will post this closer to the end of the unit as well.
Here are the class notes for Canada. I will post this closer to the end of the unit as well.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
For Mr. Sgrignoli's class...
Here is another version of the hockey video you saw...not all hockey games have fights, but this one was a doozy!
50 States Update
So we are into the fourth marking period and are in need of an update regarding our 50 States Test. Here is how each period has performed up to this point.
Pretest- 18.79 / 50
February - 36.76 / 50
March - 42.39 / 50
Pretest - 13.4 / 50
February - 34.03 / 50
March - 35.62 / 50
Pretest - 17.56 / 50
February- 37.25 / 50
March - 38.73 / 50
Keep this in mind....We want to have a class average around 40/50 in order to show that we have a firm grasp on our 50 States. Keep studying...the April test is near!
Pretest- 18.79 / 50
February - 36.76 / 50
March - 42.39 / 50
Pretest - 13.4 / 50
February - 34.03 / 50
March - 35.62 / 50
Pretest - 17.56 / 50
February- 37.25 / 50
March - 38.73 / 50
Keep this in mind....We want to have a class average around 40/50 in order to show that we have a firm grasp on our 50 States. Keep studying...the April test is near!
Friday, April 1, 2011
YazzyH at the State Geography Bee!!
How cool is it that we have an EHMIS student at the state geography bee?!?!? So proud. Good Luck Yazzy!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Southwest Asia Notes Revisited
Southwest Asia Notes
Here are the notes one more time....it might be worth reviewing them as you continue to work on your individual country projects from this region.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
SW Asia Project
Hey gang. Just wanted to give you the online version of our project for SW Asia. You will have to log on with your school Google ID but is is a pretty useful site. Check out the "Helpful Links" page if you get a chance.
Any question....let me know.
Mr. Lawhead
Any question....let me know.
Mr. Lawhead
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Japan Tsunami Footage
UNREAL footage of the impact of the Japan tsunami. A bit more powerful (sarcasm included) than a simple vocabulary definition.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
HDI List
Here is our HDI List that we have referred to each unit. It is a convenient list for our class because it "ranks" countries against each other. I will re-post this quite often. Hdi list
View more documents from Matthew Lawhead.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
March Extra Credit
Here are the questions for the March Extra Credit. Please make sure that answers are handed in on a 3x5 notecard with your name on it! If you don't have a notecard, please come and see me. Each question is worth two points for a possible grand total of ten (10) extra credit cards. Here are the questions:
1 - Which country has more area with a tropical climate - Congo or Mali?
2 - Which country has a higher birth rate - Iceland or Cote d'Ivoire?
3 - Which country has larger expanses of tundra - Norway or Canada?
4 - Which country produces more coffee - Venezuela or Jamaica?
5 - Which country has more area covered by tropical forest - Columbia or Nigeria?
Good luck!
1 - Which country has more area with a tropical climate - Congo or Mali?
2 - Which country has a higher birth rate - Iceland or Cote d'Ivoire?
3 - Which country has larger expanses of tundra - Norway or Canada?
4 - Which country produces more coffee - Venezuela or Jamaica?
5 - Which country has more area covered by tropical forest - Columbia or Nigeria?
Good luck!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Mexico Jeopardy
Here is the link for our Jeopardy Review Game that we played in class today.
Just go to the site and use it to review. Good luck!
Just go to the site and use it to review. Good luck!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Bald Eagle Link
Hey gang. This link is for a live web cam that is looking into a Bald Eagle's nest. Pretty neat link even though it has nothing to do with what we are studying.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Mexico Notes - USE THEM!!!
With our Mexico Exam coming up this Thursday or Friday, take advantage of the online notes. Use these notes to help yourself prepare for the exam. Each note is fair game on the test.
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami - Before and After
Here are two links of some before and after pictures from the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan on Friday. Both are pretty reputable news organizations. Use the slider on each picture to see how each of these locations were virtually wiped off the map.
Some pretty shocking stuff!!
Some pretty shocking stuff!!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Friday, March 11, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Vocab Site
Try accessing this site to do our "wiki" style vocabulary collaboration.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Mexico Vocab
Here are the terms we will be using today during our vocabulary activity.
Land Bridge (p. 190)
Peninsula (p. 191)
Subsistence Farms (p. 194)
Industrialized (p. 195)
Plazas (p. 202)
Federal Republic (p. 204)
Migrant Workers (p. 205)
Land Bridge (p. 190)
Peninsula (p. 191)
Subsistence Farms (p. 194)
Industrialized (p. 195)
Plazas (p. 202)
Federal Republic (p. 204)
Migrant Workers (p. 205)
Friday, March 4, 2011
Mexico Notes
With our Mexico Exam coming up this Thursday or Friday, take advantage of the online notes. Use these notes to help yourself prepare for the exam. Each note is fair game on the test.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Japan and Korea's Test Information
A couple of thoughts as you head into your first BIG test of the year. You should be looking over the following in preparation for your exam:
1 - Cornell Notes for Japan, North Korea, and South Korea
2 - Japan and Korea's Map
3 - Take Home Review Activity
4 - LEQ Questions
Be sure that you can answer the LEQ's by providing 3-5 examples in your 6-8 sentences. Don't study for two or three straight hours...rather, study for short bursts - 15-20 minutes and then a break. After all, you should have been studying then entire week!!!
Good Luck!
1 - Cornell Notes for Japan, North Korea, and South Korea
2 - Japan and Korea's Map
3 - Take Home Review Activity
4 - LEQ Questions
Be sure that you can answer the LEQ's by providing 3-5 examples in your 6-8 sentences. Don't study for two or three straight hours...rather, study for short bursts - 15-20 minutes and then a break. After all, you should have been studying then entire week!!!
Good Luck!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Video - Inside North Korea
In case you didn't see the video or want to watch certain parts again. Here is it!
Friday, February 25, 2011
Paper Cranes Video
Sorry that I forgot to put it on Thursday night. Hopefully this helps any of your future origami masters! Let me know if the video isn't working right.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
February Extra Credit
It is time for our February extra credit. It is pretty easy way to get a few extra credit points. Here is what you have to do. Get a 3x5 notecard, put your name on it, research the questions below, and write the correct answers on the notecard. Each correct answer is worth two extra credit points for a possible grand total of ten extra credit points. Here are the questions:
1. The Spanish-built fortified city of Intramuros lies within the metropolitan area of what present-day Asian capital city?
2. CARICOM is a regional trade organization associated with what part of the world?
3. In the 14th century, the present-day country of Gambia was part of which large African empire?
4. The Austral Islands are the southernmost group of islands in what Pacific Island dependency?
5. The Pahlavi Dynasty ruled from 1925-1979 in what country that borders both the Gulf of Oman and the Caspian Sea?
Any questions....let me know.
1. The Spanish-built fortified city of Intramuros lies within the metropolitan area of what present-day Asian capital city?
2. CARICOM is a regional trade organization associated with what part of the world?
3. In the 14th century, the present-day country of Gambia was part of which large African empire?
4. The Austral Islands are the southernmost group of islands in what Pacific Island dependency?
5. The Pahlavi Dynasty ruled from 1925-1979 in what country that borders both the Gulf of Oman and the Caspian Sea?
Any questions....let me know.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Mrs. Whelan

Hi, I am Mr Lawhead's student teacher. I have been with Mr. Lawhead's World Geography Classes since February. If you need to converse with me about any of your children please contact me at 717-633-4840 and leave a message. Or click here to link to my e-mail.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Next Week Reminder
Your first region map quiz will be next WEDNESDAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Please study your Japan and Korea's Map over the weekend and on Tuesday evening. Everything on the map will be a test-worthy question.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Japan and Korea's Map
A few things to think about when doing your Japan and Korea's Map.
1 - BE NEAT!!!! If the map isn't readable, then you can't study it for your map quizzes.
2 - Use more than one resource. We have a textbook and two different atlases in the classroom. Some people like to use the internet as well. Just make sure everything is accurate.
3 - Remember...it is a study guide! You will use this map to study for map quizzes and for your unit exam.
1 - BE NEAT!!!! If the map isn't readable, then you can't study it for your map quizzes.
2 - Use more than one resource. We have a textbook and two different atlases in the classroom. Some people like to use the internet as well. Just make sure everything is accurate.
3 - Remember...it is a study guide! You will use this map to study for map quizzes and for your unit exam.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
MK Will Be Famous!!
It looks like MK will be famous some day or is the long-lost twin of a current day star on Glee! Scary similar appearance!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Class News for the Week of February 14th
Hey gang....hope everyone has their Valentines Day gifts already picked out! This week we will finish up our short unit on Culture. Be ready for an exam on either Wednesday or Thursday. Please make sure that you are updating your Table of Contents and organizing your notebook on a daily basis.
Any questions, please ask.
Any questions, please ask.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Use this link to review for your exam on Tuesday. Some questions we might not have covered - don't worry about those!
Good Luck!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Another Helping Hand in the Classroom
We are lucky to have both a student teacher AND a student aide that will be in the room this semester to help us out. Our student aide is Jake Shaffer, pictured above. He is a former student and a great kid. Thanks for being with us, Jake.
Friday, January 28, 2011
January Extra Credit
This is the first chance for extra credit that my second semester students have. What you need to do is answer the questions below and put your answers on a 3x5 note card. Be sure to put your name on note card! Each CORRECT answer is worth two extra credit points for a possible total of ten extra credit points. Here are the questions:
1- Which landlocked country is the most densely populated of the former Soviet republics?
2 - Panaji, known for its Portuguese architecture, is the capital of which Indian state located on the Arabian Sea?
3. The Mano River forms part of the border between Liberia and which country to its northwest?
4 - On which Japanese island, located south of Sakhalin Island, can you find the city of Sapporo?
5 - Elat, the southernmost port city in Israel, is located on which gulf?
As I said earlier, put the correct answers on a 3x5 note card and hand it in by the end of the week of January 31st. Good luck!
1- Which landlocked country is the most densely populated of the former Soviet republics?
2 - Panaji, known for its Portuguese architecture, is the capital of which Indian state located on the Arabian Sea?
3. The Mano River forms part of the border between Liberia and which country to its northwest?
4 - On which Japanese island, located south of Sakhalin Island, can you find the city of Sapporo?
5 - Elat, the southernmost port city in Israel, is located on which gulf?
As I said earlier, put the correct answers on a 3x5 note card and hand it in by the end of the week of January 31st. Good luck!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Welcome New Sections!

Friday, January 21, 2011
Section Winners for Create Your Own Island Project
End of Semester Success
I REALLY enjoyed having you all this first semester. I sure wish that I could have had you all for another two marking periods but to Science you must go on. Here are some interesting stats as you leave. The first day of World Geography, you took a 50 States Pretest and a Countries of the World Pretest. Below are the before and after results...
50 States Pretest
Period 2 - 15.39/50 average
Period 4 - 15.61/50 average
Period 8 - 16.87 / 50 average
January 50 States Test (final test)
Period 2 - 44.3/50 average
Period 4 - 41.2/50 average
Period 8 - 42.15/50 average
Countries of the World Pretest
Period 2 - 7 out of 20 average
Period 4 - 8 out of 20 average
Period 8 - 7 out of 20 average
Countries of the World Post-test
Period 2 - 15 out of 20 average
Period 4 - 14 out of 20 average
Period 8 - 15 out of 20 average
What does this all mean??? Well, it means that we did something right! Your class averages for the 50 States Tests were phenominal and the Countries of the World Post-test were fantastic as well. I hope you all enjoyed the course. If you ever need anything, stop by Room 215 and let me know.
Take Care
Mr. Lawhead
50 States Pretest
Period 2 - 15.39/50 average
Period 4 - 15.61/50 average
Period 8 - 16.87 / 50 average
January 50 States Test (final test)
Period 2 - 44.3/50 average
Period 4 - 41.2/50 average
Period 8 - 42.15/50 average
Countries of the World Pretest
Period 2 - 7 out of 20 average
Period 4 - 8 out of 20 average
Period 8 - 7 out of 20 average
Countries of the World Post-test
Period 2 - 15 out of 20 average
Period 4 - 14 out of 20 average
Period 8 - 15 out of 20 average
What does this all mean??? Well, it means that we did something right! Your class averages for the 50 States Tests were phenominal and the Countries of the World Post-test were fantastic as well. I hope you all enjoyed the course. If you ever need anything, stop by Room 215 and let me know.
Take Care
Mr. Lawhead
50 States,
Countries of the World Test,
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Create Your Island Reminder
Hey gang! As you enjoy your Monday off, please remember that your final projects will be due on WEDNESDAY.
Make sure that you are ready to go on Tuesday because you have quite a bit of work to complete that day. Any questions, please let me know.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Got the Geography Bee?
Think you can do better than Yazzy our school winner of the Geography Bee? Here is the national website where you can take some sample quizzes and answer questions.
Good luck!
Good luck!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Awesome layup for the tie
From Saturday night....Mike Duffy drives the lane, finishes, and makes the free throw with no time left to give us a HUGE win against Delone!!! Hard work pays off!
Friday, January 7, 2011
More Chris Farley Videos
Click the above link if you'd like to see any other Chris Farley videos....WARNING: there is a little bit of language in some of the videos. Don't watch if you are easily offended by language.
Otherwise, Enjoy!
Click the above link if you'd like to see any other Chris Farley videos....WARNING: there is a little bit of language in some of the videos. Don't watch if you are easily offended by language.
Otherwise, Enjoy!
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