In class we briefly discussed the Panama Canal and how it lets ships bypass the southern tip of South America. Below is a website that will let you view live shots from a webcam of the Panama Canal. Take a few minutes and see what is happening down there!
Wow those are big ships for that canal!! Are the ships specially made for the canal? Also what if they try to use the ship on a smaller canal?
Kinda the other way around. They make the canals so almost any ship that needs to go through, can go through. Good question!
I thought that the canal would be a lot bigger and also be a river. Not a gate like the boats who have to pass under the low bridges.
How about when it is to small? How would they make it bigger?? Do they dig through the land next to the water??
the canal is pretty big...do ya see those gigantic boats?? the canal is more like a series of "locks" then a river. you had some good observations
they build the canals with the knowledge that huge boats will be going through...they usually don't make them too small.
they build these canals exactly like you think...they dig through the land. search the site provided and they should show some pictures of them building the canal.
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