The mission of the EHMIS Social Studies Department is to cultivate the abilities of young people to make informed and reasoned decisions for the public good as citizens of a culturally diverse and democratic society in an interdependent world. In our 7th grade World Geography class, we will complete a variety of activities site as well as just learn a few things about other countries and cultures. Post a comment and I will answer you ASAP.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Mexico Papers so far...
Mexico Physical Map
Mexico Political Map
Chapter 6 Vocabulary
Chapter Learning Map (Half Sheet)
K-W-L Chart
Mexico Guided Reading 1 and 3
If you are missing any of these sheets, please come and get them on the round table in my room.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Class News for Week of February 23
While we are doing this, we will begin previewing our next chapter of study - MEXICO!! Be ready to keep our workrate high.
Any questions, let me know.
p.s. Your Canada Exams will take a bit to grade. Think about trying to grade about 160 exams that have about 60 questions. YUCK!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
1. In which ocean is Ascension Island, home to one of the three ground stations for the Global Positioning Station?
2. Sala-y-Gomez, a rocky islet of volcanic origin, is located on the Nasca Plate in which ocean?
3. Which ocean shares the longest stretch of open water with the Arctic Ocean?
4. In which ocean is the Ninetyeast Ridge, a long mid-ocea ridge that is located north of the Kerguelen Plateau?
5. Cocos, a nine square-mile island that is a national park, lies north of the Galapagos in which ocean?
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Study Sessions
Monday, February 16, 2009
If you have suggestions, please leave a comment or see me in class.
Friday, February 13, 2009
To view the study session go to the following website:
Search for a channel named "lawheadwg" and my site will pop up. I should be on around 6:30.
Baby Bear Walks!
New Adventures to continue with Baby Bear and the next arrival, THE DEUCE!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Live Video - Test #1 Tonight

9:30 pm or whenever i get back from the st. joe's tournament.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Live Video Study Session
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Class News for Week of February 9
1 - Our February 50 States test is next week. Don't delay your studying!
2 - If you are unhappy with your Progress Report grade, then do something about it! Retake a quiz, study more efficiently, or ask for help. YOU put yourself in the position you are in so YOU need to find a way out.
3 - Start studying for your Canada Chapter Test NOW!!! It will be late next week.
Purple Head
This girl has purple hair! PURPLE HAIR!!!!! PURRRRRRRRRRRRPLE HAIR! But she has an "A" in class b/c she studies and works hard...don't judge a book by its' cover! Go Purple Hair Girl.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Legend of Yuknonun - Read by OrangePeels
A big thanks to Orange Peels for reading the Legend of Yuknonun to us. Continue to study the locations of our provinces and territories!!
50 States - February Reminder
REMINDER!! The 50 States Test for February will take place either February 18th or 19th (depends on which section you are in). Please prepare yourself properly and get an easy 50/50.
Thanks for the reminder CrisCross!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
British Columbia Pictures
A student-performed reading of The Legend of Nunavut by Ms. GFish in 7-12. Thanks for being a good sport. REVIEW THIS AND YOU WILL DO WELL ON THE MAP TESTS!!!!!